
The movie Avenger End Game is on TV

最終局叫做 Avenger 電影在電視上面

Hey, the medical board, if I follow that pain killer patch instruction, its the birds telling me. Its right on the instruction, I feeling so so so good !!! You know the last one week material?

They were looking for a stone in 2014?

復仇者聯盟:終局之戰 (2019)

我喝我的稀飯,  Loki 不見了 ! 

I am drinking my congee soup, soupy, souping..., Loki disappeared!

MY mother made, I added the Chinese seaseme oil in it. Sugar and salt. I make it a bigger soupy. The rice, the soft cabbage (Chinese), carrots, bok choi, soy meat...It was a real rice and some cabbage, I dump them to make them soup at the lunch time.

Today has no Harry Potter.

這稀飯其實一開始是白飯 + 她做的什麼一堆軟的白菜,紅蘿菠、香菇、深綠色的國外的中國菜、素肉,我全部加起來,現在中午之後 + 麻油~因為中午是正常湯飯,現在是麻油稀飯 ~ 


第一個愛,分開之後的幻想怎麼說再見,怎麼真的在見到 ! 

Re-write another script, under "The first break-up, how you reunion again with the keyword 'the First Love'"

My first love is Adam.

Adam and Hailey in this Thor scene with his mother (Ella Enchanted 2004)

No, they are not my first love, any of these guys inside the movie, I can just claim that eternity wise. I had the bf before. 

Re-write : MD 4+2, if not MD 6+2. Are they in the jail?

"The first break-up, how you reunion again with 'the First Love'"

Its in all over this Gilmore Girls.

The First Love how to imagine a goodbye and how to reunion again.

Here is what I told Shane, "Life and Death you didn't live on 2014? Every girls want to say goodbye to you inside their head. Those scenes. Every scene last goodbye. You want to imagine if you dead I pray for you or if I dead you pray for me

(This Avenger - End Games)

The gone through the first break up, the First Love

