
Change the website again.



海洋動物巨量死亡 The sea animals massive die out (想做什麼試試看? Do you want to try something to stop that?)

W Two Worlds

You stop all the people to go to the sea to cry or cry, bar down all people going near the sea like that Tina Jojo with someone to go there flute. Stop all the tears and the loving box sunk it inside the water.

That might be a sanctuary for the decease people similar to Coco Club, very very quiet things I told you Eben and 滴妹



They turn into a very fashion human

他們會變成非常有時尚的人類 !

They tell the air above someone.


The music box, or those sand beach those umbrella, or the stone all that clean up


Almost looks like that Prince WIlliam's comic book, fashion.


When the Judge talking to you....you like their eloquent, so you go home to practice all that time length.

The guy you gonna meet, because you had a tiny talk. He imagine you are the girls will forever lean on the laws, or something you say is in his interests, you seem to have some knowledge. Most girls on the market, when you talking in the laws, they probably just a bimbo.

  • Not the Judge words, 
  • Not Anna my words.

One of that is the Lords, you know, not the King.




Babaji: Go

You always believing it, so that is what it is. When you discontinue those lawsuit, which in the last 500 years, they will tell you, that is for the love reason, you realize....you begin something new. 

Its funny (like the lyrics Queen and Kings)

You wish that guy will never be seen by the Judge or the laws and the boys are nothing alike, if were 40 years old to 16 years young boy living in the trailer. Wayne's first daughters. You will be more than 40 years old.


                                |                                         |

            You abuse the law                            Love 💝

Isn't you care about the wedding dress, that Judge can be the witness....You believe

  1. The gang boy
  2. The gang boy, fallen pants.
  3. The gang boy, the gangster fucking might be in the novel.
  4. Something motocycle or a tatto, boys.
  5. Every body without the wrinkle, or the age soon will be realize on that digits, when you 40 or 50+
  6. Something about the younger guy's skin, you might really think you are still 20 years old.
  7. The same very high school feeling, or the air.
  8. For some reason, the police or the judge, or the lawyer = laws, not mix.
  9. With the boys no matter what.

Its the Mexican boys with the 4 brothers, they running the Mexican restaurant. Its in that Ben Stiller movie, something Karen's first love on the beach first met a someone scholar on date and got married.

The guy in the "Meet the Parents." (2001)

 The Heartbreak Kid (2007 film)

Ola is waiting someone as the prince to show up at her door. So Tamang will tell Dean ....to go for it with a certain compensation methods, you know just going out a date with her. Playing a big shut.


Harry Potter

The Indian girls dance. Birds warn, its 3:42



That is whom he hired....

When you W him one table, every 5 mins, says "Smile", put your 酒窩 like Lauren

Hang a V Vandatta pictures next by. Keanu Reeves Side by Side High Definition dpi movie

當你們要開始 W 兩個世界的兩個人桌子,每五分鐘叫他 "微笑" 然後把酒窩擺出來像妲己

那張照片叫做電影 V Vandatta 照片 side by side (李維的高畫質電影)

Conan - Blue Sapphire

Sailor Moon Male-up

Twist and turn on the ground like ameba idea....worm twist....flat no bones.

Flower Thousand Bones. (2015)

ABC 劉沛 and Meghan, to that Taiwan Youtuber Elizabeth.

That is all the Sailor Moon has the speech parts.

2 Blondes


1 older blonde eye glasses

12345 保留

Harry Potter eye glasses thick, heavier man.

115 保留

Black girl (Someone is validating her data? )

12345 suspend 115213251131191181171165330(339)175126191185131335627-7

A thin black Upali.

11355687353691771501211571621570215261265278717722531100 sorry-5



120153361167158171180181157165177-6 Red


12345-77698177264155160177181(7)191101 sorry you know -7

1234567-0118862254469171181191 you know, sorry

1234567-156671181191110 1001911811711566551234567, 3391 (Square)157191181161(165) 留我 money115161171181-0

1234567-115 sorry hyfen 26 留 水帳 帳目贓款帳款 sorry117120171151161(169)5111602387

5 個人 留意無苦口


1234567 1881211699111501211311571234567-8 15002831974566 (telephone number)


Dress all the heavy things on your bra, guys. 所有男孩子穿著很重的胸罩

 Breath 呼吸

Inhale the highest point 吸氣到停者最高點

That is his very sickening every day psycho mind left and right, left right, left right.

這就是 Tamang 每一天非常瘋狂的裡面, 左邊右邊左邊右邊左邊右邊

Rush in rush out of the car door, slam on it. His height is very tall.


Pretend to smile


Always at the pinnacle breathing point.


Left right your eyes, feel it. none stop


Vampire is this meaning of that movie Twilight. 


Imagine high debts bill, calling 4 people part-time to do harm.


Hecking code


Saying to some agency imply something or slay someone's name.


Tamang's Case


Music Site

My scrolling is not working. Behind.


I don't know what to tell you.

Westlife concert version

Somebody Needs You, here        |         She is Looking Like That, here.

How do they all becoming the Avenger - End Game ( 2019 ). Avenger is from 2012. oh ~~~

First Love, 初戀 | I think there is something about this Chinese words. 好像有什麼中文這個字跟初戀有關 ...

One of those orange flavor.

橘子味道的 ...

Making the herbs soupy

Some people have to stay in the kitchen, because that is how you use one frying pan, a lot of the oil to fried the spice, sometimes with the red pepper, and therefore, you dump in that rice cooker, or the slow cooker, and everything else add in. They have those Indian pre-spice in a box, you just dump it the bag a few bunch, that is the entire slow crack pot going. Like if I get up like 5 oclock, or 4 oclock.

Before 9, that is already 3 or 4 hours cooking, considering I am walking around. If I live by myself, til 12 oclock to eat, that is far away. 

Below is Westlife

Nicky, Mark, Kian and Shane.

Right, that is a lot of the instant pre-made things, or the package inside stuffs.


I don't actually know what that is.

Below this video.

They are the Asian they eating that in Japan I think. In Taiwan, we have a lot of those things unrecognized, or registered what those are.

The Japan vendor cart or Korea vendor cart, those are for the night market. You eat at night those. We are the island weather, so I did take some food before.

Not right now, but in Korea or Japan, that is you all going there to eat. 

I already file earlier 5-9 Lords, between Dean and Justin I don't know the look about 20 years ago, 2004. Those time, if they even have the photo stream.

So implication it was all on my facebook. On that sense just have the side by side photo like the below.  Those are individiual personality of them To Sailor Moon. Well....to the Frozen means. 

Heaven celestial included all those.

They will tell them they declare for the money reason not the murder trial, they say it is the money never the Heaven's position in this democracy world where everyone is equal, one of those saying. Whether the movie hurting them materials. 

Ola, some guys in your listing, might be very very short, really.

Short in the height, and most guys having zero patience in the real life, no matter what. Their behavior is very very bad, I am telling you. I have a brother...


                   Korea                 Japan






Hong Kong

Tamang's Number Imagine walking on the road...

Court Room proceeding ...
Celebrity tag

Imagining ....
The citizen tag.

You can just inform them without your pride...its 10 years pass.
20 years the movie annul ....right?

By the time of the 40 years Ella Enchanted your own very appearance, all these Hunger Game and Catching Fire its with the life in it, and MD are doing nothing but.....eating.

Evan can just go to you, without me here for on Lalla problems.

Is not your time to talking to the Hobbit Village methods anyway?  These court rooms don't look the state by state in America, their land is too huge. 

SA (Legal Proceeding)


       __  __                                    __ 

__  __   __        __ 

    ___________                     ___________   

  \                          \                \                          \

|    \ _____________ \           |   \ _____________ \

|    |  Room 502         |            |    |                           |     ___

\    |  Room 432         |            \    |                           |

   \ |  Room 600  ___ |               \ |  ____________ |

          __                            __               __  __                                    __ 

__        __ 

國外是萬聖節、感恩節、聖誕節 | 但是只有萬聖節不放假,北邊很冷就在那個萬聖節之前就很冷

我其實沒有這麼喜歡看這種聖誕節的氣氛,小孩留學的時候,才一年就家裡這些事情加起來... 沒有什麼那麼多心情想像假期 ! 

你們師父  Christmas Holiday


That was 2007

2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjOUFLmtGnY





電視應該是說她死了,不是心死了就是這種年復一年的死掉的心情,很多男孩子是沒有任何一丁點的耐心,講說幻想,金錢、做菜、跟很久以後幻想的彼此靠近的心情 !!!!

你們希望男孩子對你們求的意思,最近台灣不是有人得獎? 猜誰? 就是那個演成男孩子的女生,歌仔戲的 ! 

你們好像也知道自己很討厭男孩子,這種東西要珍惜好像是講說你們需要你們的爸爸,如果她們老一輩的便呈現在你旁邊的學生時代,你最需要你爸爸在車子的前座,幫你繫車安全帶,叫做 W 兩的世界! 
店是不是才看嗎 ? 台灣發音叫做 ...你們戀愛的幻想 ~那是韓劇 ! 國外是不是叫做 soap opera
肥皂劇 ~~~





Babaji: Go

The movie: Twilight Part 2 Breaking Dawn

Mimmo's name.

Bella, and the dad his name is Charlie? I am very sure its about whom you call "pa", or "papa", one of those. The wolf is not Dean, but that is Blake he lives in the basement when he lent me his room. Dr. Gabriel was jail at the front door opens. 

The ex bf with the gun.

Did you see this Avenger - End Game how people stand, talking or looking normal just side by a normal healthy talks. You want to stand like you are standing, sitting like you are sitting. Even a transformation you telling or you communicate with someone inside your family, she is hearing that every day. I just told her about the first love about the last movie.

You know the pressure unit, other than ATM, its mmHg, and pa.

The pascal (Pa) is the unit of pressure or stress in the International System of Units (SI). It is named after the scientist and mathematician Blaise Pascal. One pascal is equivalent to 1 newton (N) of force applied over an area of 1 square meter (m

I think...Where is the American military I say you copy, you want to run a Disney first few very traditional classic, re-write that spin. Like the last movie and this movie.

I personally don't like any movies. Not because if I knew those people, the reality that turn out so badly. Its more of you as the kids, you wish you as Bella to ask your mother how or after she dies, the day its your turn, if that guys will be beside you all these time.

Sign in the senior home.

Taiwan Youtuber, Elizabeth, that End Game on the bench. Someone needs to get fat? 

Combine to Twilight that scene

1) Mother-daughter in the bed.

2) The one hugging her close by.

2022 I think those UB human, I give them a sheet. When they turn to be 60 years old the greyish white hair, they are in their living room PC and only that LED light from the monitor on, and the windows have no curtain, its just blinds. The walking outside noise from the neighbors, they are 60 years old, still thinking like they were 20 years old.

I told them to ask their parents, right now....a listing of the question. I am very sure, because that time we done that, I told them exactly.

  • When you grow old, how do you cut your nail.
  • When you grow old, do you dye your hair.
  • When you grow old you all gone, what should I do with my other things in life.

If you just look at that End Game, the sequence of their age difference. Its one age ladder down to another on the guy's side. I can see all that.

The movie Avenger End Game is on TV

最終局叫做 Avenger 電影在電視上面

Hey, the medical board, if I follow that pain killer patch instruction, its the birds telling me. Its right on the instruction, I feeling so so so good !!! You know the last one week material?

They were looking for a stone in 2014?

復仇者聯盟:終局之戰 (2019)

我喝我的稀飯,  Loki 不見了 ! 

I am drinking my congee soup, soupy, souping..., Loki disappeared!

MY mother made, I added the Chinese seaseme oil in it. Sugar and salt. I make it a bigger soupy. The rice, the soft cabbage (Chinese), carrots, bok choi, soy meat...It was a real rice and some cabbage, I dump them to make them soup at the lunch time.

Today has no Harry Potter.

這稀飯其實一開始是白飯 + 她做的什麼一堆軟的白菜,紅蘿菠、香菇、深綠色的國外的中國菜、素肉,我全部加起來,現在中午之後 + 麻油~因為中午是正常湯飯,現在是麻油稀飯 ~ 


第一個愛,分開之後的幻想怎麼說再見,怎麼真的在見到 ! 

Re-write another script, under "The first break-up, how you reunion again with the keyword 'the First Love'"

My first love is Adam.

Adam and Hailey in this Thor scene with his mother (Ella Enchanted 2004)

No, they are not my first love, any of these guys inside the movie, I can just claim that eternity wise. I had the bf before. 

Re-write : MD 4+2, if not MD 6+2. Are they in the jail?

"The first break-up, how you reunion again with 'the First Love'"

Its in all over this Gilmore Girls.

The First Love how to imagine a goodbye and how to reunion again.

Here is what I told Shane, "Life and Death you didn't live on 2014? Every girls want to say goodbye to you inside their head. Those scenes. Every scene last goodbye. You want to imagine if you dead I pray for you or if I dead you pray for me

(This Avenger - End Games)

The gone through the first break up, the First Love

Hi ~~ 時間 = Time

第七十四屆的第一天是他的生日,第350 天是那一年的不是 364 天 11點晚上59分59秒

The 74th annual year is the First year be his birthday, and the 350 days its that one year, not 364 days 11 oclock at night 59 minutes and 59 seconds...

第 74 屆的 1 天

第 74 屆的 120 天

第 74 屆的 200 天

第 74 屆的 300 天

第 74 屆的 11 的月又兩個禮拜 ....的到來 ~~~